MIL-DTL-48360A (AR)
6.3.1 Submission of inspection equipment designs for approval. Submit equipment
designs as required per the Contract Data Requirements Lists (DD Form 1423).
6.4 Critical characteristics justification.
Critical examination/test
Pressure exceeds PIMP at 145°F
If the propellant charge, at recommended charge weight
+ 5ºF (
produces a PIMP (permissible individual maximum pressure)
greater than 57,000 psi at +145ºF when fired in a M119
Howitzer, damage to the Howitzer may result and is likely to
cause serious injury or death to friendly troops.
Minimum propellant weight
If propellant charge weight is significantly below the minimum
authorized loading weight, a short round will occur, which is
likely to cause serious injury or death to friendly troops.
Assembly damaged to the extent
Damage such that propellant can escape can lead to low
that propellant can escape
propellant weight. If propellant charge weight is significantly
below the minimum authorized loading weight, a short round
will occur, which is likely to cause serious injury or death to
friendly troops
6.5 Standard deviation. The standard deviation should be calculated with (n-1) as the
divisor in a standard statistical technique to the shown in MIL-STD-1916.
6.6 Factors. The factors as taken from Table A-21 of AMC Pamphlet 706-114 using the
95 percent upper confidence limit (A.05) and n-1 degrees of freedom make allowance for the
probability that a standard deviation exceeds the true standard deviation by chance alone. The
factor for a normal 20 round group is 0.79 and the factor for a normal 10 round group is 0.73.
6.7 Proving ground test summary.
Temperature (°F)
Sample Size
Sample Size
(Tightened Insp)
(Normal Inspect)
57,000 psi
Av. Pressure
54,000 psi
Same sample
Same sample as
as above
Av. Pressure
46,500 psi
Muzzle Velocity
2052 to 2102 fps
Same sample
Same sample
as above
as above
σ lot ≤ 8 fps
Same sample
Same sample
Deviation Lot
as above
as above
6.8 Submission of test data. In addition to the normal distribution of records, when the
propellant charge assembly is procured by the Department of the Army, one copy of all ballistic
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